Haiti: sepolto sotto le macerie, si cura le ferite grazie ad applicazione medica per iPhone

Una storia incredibile e a lieto fine per un cittadino americano che è stato salvato da sotto le macerie 65 ore dopo il tremendo terremoto di Haiti: Dan Woolley, filmaker di professione, in attesa dei soccorsi si è curato da solo le ferite grazie ad un’applicazione medica installata sul suo iPhone e alla luce del flash della fotocamera digitale. La notizia è riportata dal Today show

… Woolley had taken refuge in an elevator shaft, where he used an iPhone first-aid app to treat a compound fracture of his leg and a cut on his head. He had already used his digital SLR camera’s focusing light to illuminate his surroundings, and taken pictures of the wreckage to help find a safe place to wait to be rescued — or to die.

… using the focusing light on his camera and taking pictures, he was able to figure out where he was and where to go. And thanks to the iPhone first-aid app he’d downloaded, he knew how to fashion a bandage and tourniquet for his leg and to stop the bleeding from his head wound. The app also warned him not to fall asleep if he felt he was going into shock, so he set his cell phone’s alarm clock to go off every 20 minutes. And then for 65 hours, he waited for whatever fate had in store for him…

Ricordo l’iniziativa di iTunes Store e quelle di altre organizzazioni per raccogliere fondi per Haiti: Medici Senza Frontiere, UNICEF, Save The Children e Croce Rossa Italiana.

Fonte: Today show